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Organizations join together to promote work safety

Posted on by SST

Thousands of people and businesses across the United States, including the Laser Institute of America (LIA) and the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), are joining the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Alliance Program to promote work safety. The Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE) is also jumping on board to promote safety at the workplace.

The organizations are coming together for the annual North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) week May 5-11 and Occupational Safety Health Professional Day May 8, according to the LIA . 

Safety week will take place in Washington, D.C., and includes presentations on workplace safety and health efforts and preventing workplace injuries and deaths. 

"NAOSH week is another tool we use to educate employers and employees on the positive benefits of protecting people, property and the environment and sharing best practices among our members and their employees all in an effort to continue to enhance workplace safety worldwide," said the LIA's Education Director Gus Anibarro. "We urge other businesses and organizations to do the same."

Workers die everyday as the result of safety issues in the workplace
Keeping employees safe on the job is an important focus in factories and facilities. OSHA monitors and investigates facilities in the United States and imposes fines and citations for those that do not follow safety regulations. 

"It is alarming that 13 people a day are dying from work related injuries," said ASSE President Richard Pollock. "This is a serious problem that we find unacceptable. These incidents can be prevented. ASSE looks forward to again working with OSHA, CSSE and the OSHA Alliance partners to increase awareness of this issue and providing information, best practices, resources, success stories and more during NAOSH Week to help prevent further workplace tragedies."

In 2011, 4,609 people died while at work or from injuries sustained in an on-the-job accident. In order to give greater significance to the issue of employees dying at work, safety organizations such as ASSE encourage companies to plan management systems addressing safety and health programs. 

Emphasizing the importance of not only implementing safety and health programs but using the proper equipment including fire and gas detection systems can prevent workers from being injured on the job. 

Industrial Safety News brought to you by Safety Systems Technology, Inc., leaders in fire and gas detection systems.

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